Savasana (Corpse Pose): How to do it and its benefits

savasana (corpse pose)

Savasana, also known as the Corpse Pose, is more than just lying down; it is a profound practice of deep relaxation and mental stillness that embodies the essence of yoga. It’s a pose where one imitates the stillness of death, offering a unique opportunity to rejuvenate and renew oneself, bringing closer the yogic realization of pure consciousness as the natural state of being.

How to Perform Savasana

To achieve the full benefits of Savasana, it’s recommended to follow these steps carefully:

  1. Lie flat on your back on a yoga mat or soft surface, ensuring your legs are relaxed and slightly apart, with your feet falling to the sides.
  2. Place your arms by your sides, palms facing up, allowing your fingers to curl naturally.
  3. Make sure your neck and head are in a comfortable, neutral position.
  4. Close your eyes gently to enhance the feeling of calmness and begin to focus on your natural breathing rhythm, without trying to control it.
  5. Gradually relax each part of your body starting from the toes and moving upwards to the crown of your head.
  6. Allow yourself to sink into the stillness, staying in the pose for about 15 minutes or as long as is comfortable for you.

Sanskrit Meaning

Savasana (shah-VAHS-anna).

sava = corpse and asana = Posture. This pose is also called Mritasana (pronounced mrit-TAHS-annamrta = death), the dead man’s pose.

Benefits of Savasana

Savasana is acclaimed for its wide array of benefits that encompass physical, mental, and emotional wellness:

  • Physical Relaxation: It significantly reduces muscle tension and can lower blood pressure, aiding in the relaxation of the nervous system.
  • Mental Clarity: By focusing on breathing and allowing the mind to rest, Savasana helps improve concentration and reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Emotional Balance: It encourages a state of calmness and serenity, helping to alleviate symptoms of depression and promoting a more positive mindset.
  • Enhanced Sleep Quality: Regular practice can lead to improved sleep patterns due to its stress-relieving properties.

Who Should Practice Savasana

Savasana is suitable for individuals at all levels of yoga practice, from beginners to advanced practitioners. It’s particularly beneficial for those looking to destress and achieve a deeper state of relaxation. Pregnant women can also practice Savasana with appropriate modifications.


While Savasana is a gentle and restorative pose, individuals with severe back injuries or certain health conditions should consult a healthcare provider before practicing. Additionally, those experiencing discomfort lying flat on their back should adjust their position or use props for support.


Savasana, by allowing the body and mind to rest deeply, serves as a powerful tool for rejuvenation and healing, emphasizing the importance of stillness and present-moment awareness in yoga practice. Despite its simplicity, its role in enhancing overall well-being and connecting to the inner self cannot be overstated. Embracing the practice of Savasana can be a transformative experience, cultivating peace, balance, and a deeper connection to the essence of yoga.

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